Privacy-Enhancing Technology Summit Europe 2023

Our CTO, David Silva, presented Algemetric’s customer-centric approach to building secure and privacy-preserving solutions for data management and business intelligence. This approach is aligned with our vision to be the world’s most efficient and innovative provider of these solutions. 


Attendees were exposed to the value of sharing data between organizations while maintaining privacy and security through the use of PETs, gaining insights across:


  • Strategies for cross-border and cross-silo data sharing and collaboration.
  • Overcoming legal challenges when adopting PETs.
  • Building a business case for PET adoption and choosing the right PET for the challenge.
  • Case studies on PET adoption in finance, healthcare, and the public sector.
  • Emerging trends in confidential computing and PETs market.
  • Practical solutions for private data sharing between organisations and teams.
  • The value of using PETs for sharing and collaborating on data while maintaining privacy and security.
  • Partnership opportunities enabled by PETs for doing business with data through collaboration.
  • Highlighting PETs for what they are and not overcomplicating them is crucial for their adoption.
  • GDPR regulations are driving adoption, especially when it comes to data minimization.


More about Privacy-Enhancing Technology Summit Europe 2023


This conference is all about collaborating and sharing data through cutting-edge PETs, so your organisation can optimise the value of the data you hold while keeping it private and secure. We’ll be exploring how data is the ‘new currency’ and discussing the importance of trading it between organisations. With PETs like MPC, you can train machine learning models using sensitive data from different sources without revealing the content of the data to any other party during the process. This is just one example of how PETs are revolutionising the value of healthcare data.