Secure and privacy-preserving data processing.

Enable powerful, secure data processing with Obscura. Execute complex algorithms on large datasets effortlessly, thanks to cutting-edge cryptography and innovative software design. Experience seamless computing over encrypted data with Obscura.

The Problem

Virtually everything we do generates, consumes, or transforms data in unprecedented volumes. This growth and abundance of data brings a substantial increase in security and privacy challenges. Proactive prevention of data security malpractice and adaptation to evolving legislation is now crucial. Mitigate risk, safeguard sensitive data, and avoid potential fines and reputational damage by implementing robust, privacy-by-design data solutions.

Obscura’s Secure Data Processing Mitigates:

The Solution: Obscura Module

Obscura is a general-purpose, secure computation platform for data processing. It performs computation on protected data via a combination of four distinct security measures, including encryption. Obscura employs safeguards that prevent unlawful access and the processing of personal and sensitive data, as recommended by ISO 27001 and privacy regulations such as GDPR. Obscura is suitable for applications such as confidential computing, secure analytics, secure data transfer and machine learning over encrypted datasets, going beyond partial measures for data security and privacy by employing a unique set of data protection mechanisms at all times.

Peace of mind provided by cutting-edge technologies. 

Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC)

The security of Obscura is provided by a family of multi-party computation protocols based on threshold secret sharing, where the input data is shared across multiple parties. Each share in isolation is meaningless and the data can only be recovered upon the collection of the required number of shares. The computations are performed, without revealing information about the inputs via secure channels between parties. Rigorous security measures are implemented to ensure that no unauthorized entity can control or corrupt the shares.

M2M Identity Access Management

Obscura uses Spectra for authenticating, authorizing, and auditing communication between each component and for any communication between machines. Before the security provided by secure MPC takes place, Spectra protects data and transactions with standard cryptography – with the added benefit of real-time, always-on auditing.

How Obscura Works

Obscura Data Sync (ODS) is under the customer’s control. This is the only instance where individual data points of any kind are unprotected and therefore readable. Obscura Data Sync is responsible for double encrypting data and outer layer encryption. Data that leaves the customer’s infrastructure is unreadable by any unintended recipients.


Double encrypted data is securely transmitted from the customer’s infrastructure to the virtual environment named Obscura Secure Execution Environment (OSEE) by Spectra. The payload between the ODS and the OSEE is also encrypted with a single-use, ephemeral secret key which is generated via standard key exchange protocol. Data in transit is unreadable by non-authorized parties.


In the OSEE, the outer encryption layer of the data is decrypted so secure computations can be performed. Confidential, personal, or sensitive plain text data are never exposed and therefore data being processed is also unreadable for non-authorized parties.


Once reports are securely generated, aggregated data is also securely transmitted to the Obscura Dashboard using standard cryptography. Only aggregated data that does not allow identification of individual data points that require any level of data protection is then visualized.


Throughout the entire application lifecycle, unintended parties cannot gain access to any data marked by the client as confidential, personal, or sensitive information.

Securely analyse large amounts of unstructured data in near-real time. Obscura consists of three components:


Obscura Data Sync (ODS): Software which remains under the client’s control, provided for accessing unencrypted databases on the client side. Once data is encrypted and shared, data is double encrypted using standard cryptography and transmitted to the Obscura Secure Execution Environment.


Obscura Secure Execution Environment (OSEE): In the virtual trusted execution environment data is kept encrypted with standard symmetric cryptography. Once computation of a particular algorithm is required, the external layer of the double encryption is decrypted, which enables computation on the inner layer of the doubled encrypted data. Plain data is never exposed throughout this process.


Obscura API (OA): The component responsible for requesting, receiving, and processing results from the OSEE. The OA only sees requests for execution of predefined algorithms and the result of these algorithms. Communication between these three components is always protected by Spectra.

Monetize Your Data: Reconcile data utility, security, and privacy, and enable strategic data intelligence in a secure and privacy-preserving way. Open new revenue streams from subscription-based and on-demand services.


Move Towards Regulatory Compliance: Obscura goes beyond partial data security and privacy measures by exclusively working with encrypted data at all times. Move towards data security and privacy compliance with regulations such as GDPR, CCPA and others. 


Fortify Corporate Sovereignty: Obscura helps organizations to protect their control, exclusivity, ownership, and advantages by enabling collaborations in which only aggregated data is used.


Your Data Breach Shield: Data breaches can occur for a variety of reasons including product or service malfunction, unaddressed system and architecture vulnerabilities, human error, and malicious behavior. In all cases with Obscura, if a data breach occurs, only encrypted data will be exposed, giving no advantage to unauthorized parties or malicious actors.

Encrypted Data Only: Not all data is sensitive and therefore not everything must be encrypted for allowing computation on encrypted data. Obscura works well with hybrid scenarios in which different data with different purposes might be protected with distinct cryptographic tools. However, Obscura only possesses and processes encrypted data for a significant data breach risk reduction.


On-Database Computation: Obscura allows for overriding some native operations in databases for better performance and less development complexity.


Efficient Built-in Data Encoder: Most of the data handled by Obscura is fractional data (from applications in finance, statistics, machine learning, etc.). Obscura uses a fractional encoder with better efficiency than typical high-precision techniques.

Data Synchronization: ODS is deployed at the customer’s infrastructure under their control and is responsible for automatic or on-demand synchronization between the unencrypted and encrypted database on an iterative and incremental basis.


Algorithm Execution: The OSEE receives algorithmic instructions from the OA for execution. These algorithms are pre-approved by the customer under the scope of each particular application.


Integration with Prisma: Once results are available, Obscura can be easily integrated with Prisma for a number of data visualization options. Once data is integrated with Prisma, it can also be exported to external visualizations tools.


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