Secure and privacy preserving data solutions

Connect, protect and explore sensitive data efficiently and securely. Stop compromising security to get the right data in the right place.

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What we do

Secure and privacy-preserving data management and business intelligence solutions.

Resilient and robust solutions for a data driven future. 

Trusted by


Enriching data treatment, advanced analytics and visualisation.

Secure and privacy-preserving data collection, preparation, and visualisation for providing analytics and intelligence from multiple independent data sources in a unified way across an array of applications.


Secure and privacy-preserving data processing.

Suitable for secure data transfer and machine learning over encrypted datasets, going beyond partial measures for data security and privacy by exclusively working with encrypted data at all times. 


Secure communication even over insecure networks.

Identity and Access Management for M2M networks. Combine Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing in a single, lightweight, and powerful IAM solution.

Alliances and accreditations


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